Friday 29 June 2012

Logo animation

I thought with the logo having a face incorporated into we could take it a step further and have the eyes follow the movement of the mouse as the user moves around the site.
We have also added more animation so that when the user roll overs the logo the eyebrows and mouth jump.

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Facebook and Twitter

We have linked our product to its own Facebook and Twitter page.

Facebook        Twitter                                     

Friday 22 June 2012


I had organised an hour at a local Primary School where i could go and gain an insight in to what users thought of our product at its current status.  I showcased the product with pupils from years 5 & 6, allowing them the opportunity to play with the site and give us some much needed feedback as to how we could improve it and what features worked well.
The feedback from the pupils was positive and they made some good comments that we can take away and improve certain areas of the product.

Animation was an area that was mentioned, not enough interactivity.
The navigation buttons went down well with the use of bright colours.
They weren't sure what colour they had selected.
The trace tool took away the learning aspect of drawing.

Thursday 14 June 2012

Image Bank Pages

The image bank homepage will provide the user with three different sections that they can access to view the various drawings.  Once they have clicked on the button it will direct them to the selected page containing numerous drawings in relation to the button clicked on.
The image below shows how the section will be set up with the section title in the top left corner and the drawings located in the middle, three at a time with arrows either side allowing the user to scroll through the numerous images.


Now that the majority of content has been created I have imported it into Photoshop and placed them as we want them to appear in the product.  Here is our layout at the present:
The first image shows the buttons in their black and white state and the second when coloured.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Colour Scheme

The colour scheme has always been something that we haven't really worried about too much as we concentrated on the actually content and then the colour choices that we used for them.  The drawing area of the product was always going to be white with the user having the ability to colour their drawings in and the background.  We had decided on the colours for the buttons and tools so the last place that we could incorporate colour was the background for the top and side banner.  Now through the research I had done at the beginning of this project I had already made up my mind that if we were to use large spaces of colour they would be pastel colours, nothing too bright and vibrant.
The top and side banner will be coloured when the user arrives on the homepage and they will have the option to select four different pastel colours.  To do this they will use the colours option at the bottom of the tool panel.

A colour palette tool has been designed that could be introduced should this be decided on, this is shown below.

Monday 11 June 2012

Colour and Size Alterations

The buttons on the top banner change from black and white to colour when clicked on.  I had originally chosen colours that we associated to the symbols that were on the buttons such as red for the life ring on the assist button and blue for the floppy disk on the save button but Tim suggested that they might look best using the colours of the rainbow so I tried this but now I have seen them in the product laid out it has to go back to how they were originally done.  The product is aimed at young people and they represent the colour red with the life ring and when green it looked nothing like it and the floppy disk 'save button' is known for being blue so I think it is important they it is easy for the users to know what the buttons are through the use of the images on them.
A small  alteration is the sizes of the buttons which has had to been changed.
These are the finish coloured buttons. 

Friday 1 June 2012

Colour Palette

To allow users the option of colouring in the finished pictures we wanted to provide a range of colours that they could choose from and the best option we thought that would give the widest range of colours would be the colour palette I designed below.  This will require more work to be done later on to provide a more 3D look to it for the final product as at the moment it doesn't fit into the scheme.
The new design I have chosen for the colour palette is just a random shape, like a paint splodge.
I think this works well as it is nothing too fancy looking out of place with the other tools.