Monday 11 June 2012

Colour and Size Alterations

The buttons on the top banner change from black and white to colour when clicked on.  I had originally chosen colours that we associated to the symbols that were on the buttons such as red for the life ring on the assist button and blue for the floppy disk on the save button but Tim suggested that they might look best using the colours of the rainbow so I tried this but now I have seen them in the product laid out it has to go back to how they were originally done.  The product is aimed at young people and they represent the colour red with the life ring and when green it looked nothing like it and the floppy disk 'save button' is known for being blue so I think it is important they it is easy for the users to know what the buttons are through the use of the images on them.
A small  alteration is the sizes of the buttons which has had to been changed.
These are the finish coloured buttons. 

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