Tuesday 12 June 2012

Colour Scheme

The colour scheme has always been something that we haven't really worried about too much as we concentrated on the actually content and then the colour choices that we used for them.  The drawing area of the product was always going to be white with the user having the ability to colour their drawings in and the background.  We had decided on the colours for the buttons and tools so the last place that we could incorporate colour was the background for the top and side banner.  Now through the research I had done at the beginning of this project I had already made up my mind that if we were to use large spaces of colour they would be pastel colours, nothing too bright and vibrant.
The top and side banner will be coloured when the user arrives on the homepage and they will have the option to select four different pastel colours.  To do this they will use the colours option at the bottom of the tool panel.

A colour palette tool has been designed that could be introduced should this be decided on, this is shown below.

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