Tuesday 10 July 2012

Evaluating / Testing

We our now nearing the end of the project and feel not too much more testing / evaluating with people will be required.

This testing session involved adults from the area and staff from a local Secondary School.


The tool tips were useful though could of appeared quicker.

The design of the site having the sketched effect looked went down well with the users.

They thought the product worked really well providing a great way for people to learn to draw.

The text on the information page needs to be speeded up slightly.

The pre loader on the image bank is viewable for some reason over the images even when they have loaded up.

The clear tool when pressed once can be pressed and pressed until the user is bored of pressing it, basically the warning message will appear however many times the button is pressed and the user will have to select no on them all which will not be a good advertisement for the product.  This will be solved with some coding.

The PE teacher was really impressed with the product and the outcome of the picture though it wasn't neat and perfect you could see what it was and a great way of learning breaking things down into manageable sections.  He said his son would love to use the product and benefit from it.

The feedback in general for this session was excellent.

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