Monday 9 July 2012

Image Bank Menu

The image bank menu (shown below) I created using Photoshop and through sketches I had drawn and scanned into the computer then manipulated using Photoshop.  The arrows and cross I again had drawn and scanned in then manipulated them in Photoshop.  The user will use the arrows to scroll through the categories which have been split up into three like shown in the image below, animals, animals 2, animals 3.  This allows the user to scroll through a smaller number of images rather than having to go through all twenty at once.  A roll over effect is applied to the category boxes, they outline enlarges.

Below shows the images layout, which co-insides with the image bank menu.  Having consistency throughout the menus is important to the look and design of the site, all are fluid going from one to another with just the contents changing.  The outline of the menu and the cross stay in the same position as the previous menu, the arrows are now located on the sides allowing the user to scroll right and left throughout the images. The box outline enlarges when roll over providing the user with more interactivity.

When you select the image you want the following message appears warning the user of what will happen and do they wish to continue.  Again I have been consistent with the design and menu never actually changes just the contents. 

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