Friday 13 July 2012

Evaluating / Testing

Throughout our testing and evaluating we have always took on board what has been said negative or positive and used it to our advantage in creating a product that the users are happy with.
We have strived to improve our product along the way with the testing sessions being very valuable to us.

For our final testing we should a Graphic Design Teacher who only had good things to say about the product.  He thought the design and layout of the product had been well though through taking into account what the product is about and how we sell it to people.

He thought the fact that the output of the image size being small was a bonus for when being used in Schools to storage issues on networks.  Also the ability to add to pictures once you have completed them was if you had drawn a dog you could add a dog house behind it or a bone and a bowl.
He recommended that more categories of images would allow for a wider target audience.

The drawing stage looks good with the applied shadow and works really nicely with the background now it has been lightened.

One thing that was of very importance to us was a comment made about the step by step function as the bottom of the screen, he said he sometimes forgot what step he was one and that it would be useful to notify the user in some way of which stage they are actually working on.  We took this on board and made the change which darkens the step the user is currently on.

The images for the people category look stretched. I will resize the images to look better

All the feedback has been vital and critical in the way our finished product stands today, without it we wouldn't of been able to of produced such a brilliant product.

Our product has been tested on PCs, Apple Macs and laptops, on a range of browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Safari.

We have tested the product using the following peripherals -
- Mouse pad
- Mouse
- iPhone
- iPad
- Bamboo tablet
- Smartboard / Interactive board

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