Monday 2 July 2012


I had organised an hour at a local Secondary School where I could test the product with several pupils and staff members allowing us to gain feedback that we could use to our advantage to improve the product.  I showcased the product with pupils from years 10 & 11, allowing them the opportunity to play with the site and give us some much needed feedback as to how we could improve it and what features worked well.
The feedback from the pupils was mainly positive yet some areas they came across that they felt we could improve on.

Animation was an area that was mentioned, not enough interactivity though we had added more from our previous testing. (Logo, eyes following you and the eyebrows and mouth jump when rolled over. Also the tools were interactive when rolled over)

The trace tool took away the learning aspect of drawing.  This will now be removed due to users pointing this out as something they wouldn't use.

The step tool wasn't needed in the assistance area. The step by step tool will now be placed at the bottom of the screen.

Feedback on the design and layout were good, even though I was still unhappy with the appearance of certain buttons no negative feedback was received.

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